Our philosophy
Record requirements
Our first job is to capture what you are asking for and how you envision the outcome that will satisfy you. Where you are unsure we will give you the options available and clarify parameters to help you make decisions. In this process you are our partner and advisor.
Study and design
The study and design of our products are done with the help of computers, using specialized simulation programs. In this way, we can determine with absolute precision how they will apply to your available space, taking into account all its peculiarities, so that it can be fully utilized.
Choice of materials and colors
In addition to the natural material such as wood, we have Bakelite in a wide variety of colors and a wide range of veneers. Also, there is an unlimited choice of color, while the finish is made of ecological water varnishes, friendly to the environment, with which we achieve lively and smooth surfaces.
The manufacturing of the products is done in our company's factory by our experienced and highly technically trained staff, using high quality standards. The technologically advanced equipment that we have and with which we bring the digital design to life with full fidelity and precision also contributes to this.
Adding mechanisms
Our products are characterized by safety, ergonomics and functionality by incorporating mechanisms of the renowned Austrian company BLUM. Systems of lifting, movement, hinges, boxes, guides and internal dividers upgrade the ease of use, the smooth and quiet movement, the excellent organization and the maximum utilization of the available space.
Installation and adjustment
The delivery of the products takes place within a period of time for which we guarantee. Their installation and adjustment is done by our staff at your place, with the aim of completing them in the shortest possible time and causing the least possible disruption. During this process we are available to inform you and clarify any questions you may have.
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Our philosophy
Our philosophy is centered on our customer satisfaction Our effort is to provide quality solutions by designing and creating in practice their own desires. In each house and in each space, we take into account their particularities, in order to give the feeling of it uniqueness of creation for the purpose of ideal combination of functionality and appearance.
To achieve this, we strive that the relationships we develop with our clients are not cold and impersonal, but relationships governed by trust, respect and honesty. From proposal and design to creation and support, we stay by the customer's side as their advisors and partners. We do not consider those who trust us as customers, but as partners.